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Ta turen til idylliske Aurland i sommer, og opplev spektakulære omgivelser i bygden der fjord møter fjell. Aurland er kjent for sine mange unike attraksjoner, som Nærøyfjorden, Stegsatein utsiktspunkt, fantastiske Flåmsbana, verdenskjente Aurlandskoen og mye mer. 

I Aurlands skofabrikk foregår all produksjon av Aurlands produkter, og her har vi også et av våre to utsalg. Vår andre butikk Aurlands Outlet finner sted i Flåm, en kort kjøretur fra Aurland. 

Dersom du ønsker å lære om håndverkstradisjonen og historien til Aurlandskoen «The Original Penny Loafer», kan du bestille en guidet omvisning i fabrikken vår. Her kan du få oppleve å se hvordan skoen blir laget, i møte med skomakeren.

1 comment

  • Sarah Love


    Hello, My name is Sarah Love Tover. I live in Dover, Delaware. My boyfriend Juan Tover and I have been dating for the past 4 yrs we were to get married but it never happened..he constantly messes around with his ex’s and other females every time he got caught he apologized and me to forgive him and I keep taking him back because I’m truly in love with this man but after a while he started messing around again. I had to do something about the situation. I went online and saw various testimonies of how people got their ex back but one testimony of Dr Odunga helped me find the right solution and I am very happy I contacted Dr. Odunga regarding my problem. My boyfriend is now my HUSBAND. We got married in United Church in Dover. My problem was solved. I am extremely happy to put his email to anyone out here looking to solve his/her relationship problem. You can also Whats-App him with his mobile number +2348167159012

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